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Data Catalyst


Data Catalyst is a UK startup dedicated to delivering user-centric Personal Data Connectivity, Transparency, Portability, and Stewardship.

For businesses that want to connect to sources of Personal Data, we power recombinant innovation, reducing time to market, de-risking development complexity, and slashing total lifecycle costs. Connect your business to our single, simple, secure API, and we connect you to aggregated, calibrated, enriched Personal Data from wearables, apps, devices, APIs, IoT sensors, and more, across sectors including finance, health, wellness, productivity, and environment. We deliver all the data you need to power your business, in the format you need it, with peace of mind around privacy, compliance, and consent.

For users who want more from existing purchases of gadgets, apps, and services, we free your Personal Data from device and manufacturer silos, empower you with choice and flexibility, and give you the tools to manage the use of your data and its privacy with transparent, secure consent.

And for businesses that collaborate with users in the creation of Personal Data, we expand your product reach and enable new trust-based relationships with your empowered customers. By promoting data re-use and flexibility, we put you on the right side of regulation, and add value to your app, device, or service by putting it at the heart of a thriving managed ecosystem of delighted users.

Data Catalyst: Powering the Personal Data Revolution.