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With the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, the ODI is pleased to announce the projects selected for a new stimulus fund that help increase access to data and drive innovation in the engineering sector with an emphasis on improving safety

Last year we worked with the Lloyd’s Register Foundation to publish a joint insight report on sharing engineering data, which highlighted the benefits of increasing access to data across the engineering sectors, to increase safety and drive innovation. We also published our manifesto which identifies ways to build a stronger engineering data infrastructure.

Building on that work, we have launched a stimulus fund that will help to support projects that will increase access to and use of data across the engineering, construction and transport sectors, with an emphasis on increasing safety.

We received some excellent submissions for the funding, exploring a range of issues aligned with our manifesto and Lloyd’s Register Foundation’s mission. We’re now pleased to announce the five projects that we will be supporting:

  • The Office for National Statistics Data Science Campus will be collaborating with the Royal Air Force to develop an open source framework to analyse historical flight safety reports and improve planning of future flights
  • The University of Southampton are working with the Maritime & Coast Guard Agency on a feasibility study to develop a framework for ‘open marine data’ that will help reporting and responses to incidents at sea
  • Slingshot Simulations will be working with Leeds City Council to explore bringing together open data to develop a digital twin of city air quality, to inform public understanding of health issues
  • Atkins will be carrying out a discovery project to inventory and prioritise datasets that can support analysis of brownfield sites for contamination
  • Barbal will be supporting the Construction Knowledge Task Group to create a standard means of organising information for practitioners to help support the development of a safer built environment.

Each of the projects involve collaboration across different organisations and will lead to the creation of a range of openly licensed outputs and data.

Over the next six months we will be working with the individual projects to share insights, provide guidance and support them in working in the open. In July we will be publishing a range of case studies and a report that will illustrate how collaboration and openness can help to deliver on the recommendations in our manifesto.

If you’d like to know more about the project, our work, or would like to add your organisation to the list of those endorsing our manifesto, then please contact Deborah Yates, Senior Consultant.