**Last updated on 1 June 2022**

We collect data about you when you sign up to receive The Week in Data and other promotional email newsletters. We do this so we can send you our news and updates. Data about you is processed using our email marketing platform, Hubspot, which provides us with analytics and other services.

You have rights over what is done with data that is about you. You can contact us at [email protected] if you want to get a copy of that data. You can also ask us to update it, delete it or stop using it.

As well as this newsletter privacy policy, we also have privacy policies for:

What data do we collect and why?

When you sign up to our newsletters, we ask for and keep the following:

  • your name, so we know how to address you
  • your email address, so we can contact you
  • your job title and organisation so we can send you targeted news and updates
  • your preferred format for receiving emails (i.e. plain text or HTML)
  • whether you are a member or not (so we don’t duplicate communications)
  • your areas of interest (so we can send you updates on relevant news and events)

You can opt-out of receiving our newsletters anytime, by clicking ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of the email. However, data about you will still be stored in Hubspot to ensure we don’t contact you by mistake.

Hubspot tracks users’ individual click throughs and opens (and share individuals’ email addresses and what they’ve clicked on).

However, if you would like us to delete data about you from Hubspot, you can do by emailing [email protected].

How do we share and use this data?

We use HubSpot to send our marketing emails. We collect data from Hubspot, which processes data about you in order to send and report on the email.

Hubspot tracks users’ individual click-throughs and opens (and shares individuals’ email addresses and what they’ve clicked on). From our research, we have observed that this is standard practice for a marketing email provider. We do not use this information to target you; we only use this aggregated information to ensure we don’t bombard you with repeat messaging.

We have made sure the third-party providers (including Hubspot) who are not in the EU protect the data to the same extent as companies in the EU.

You can unsubscribe from our emails at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our marketing emails or by clicking here to unsubscribe from HubSpot emails, or here to unsubscribe from The Week in Data emails.

What rights and control do you have?

Because we operate in the UK, you have rights over the data about that we collect. You can:

  • ask for a copy of data we have collected about you
  • ask us to update that data
  • ask us to delete it
  • ask us to stop using it

If you ask for a copy of data we have about you, we have to provide it to you free of charge. You can ask us to send it directly to a third party. We have to provide it in a commonly-used machine-readable format.

To do this, contact [email protected].

Please tell us if you have concerns about how we collect, use or share data about you. You can also raise your concerns with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office.

When did we last update this policy?

We last updated this privacy policy on 1 June 2022. If you have an account with us, we will tell you about any future updates to this privacy policy.

Who can I talk to about this policy?

Please send any questions about this privacy policy to [email protected].

The data controller for this website is Open Data Institute of 4th Floor, Kings Place, 90 York Way, N1 9AG.