The Open Data Institute is a private company limited by guarantee and controlled by its Board. We are a not-for-profit institution. The ODI vision is for people, organisations and communities to use data to make better decisions and be protected from any harmful impacts. Our mission is to work with companies and governments to build an open, trustworthy data ecosystem.

We have a trading subsidiary, Open Data Institute Trading Ltd, which is a private limited company. This company is currently dormant. The purpose of the trading entity is to separate our commercial contracts from our core services. Any trading surplus would be re-invested in the main not-for-profit company.

The Board and Management

The company is controlled by an independent Board comprising the Chair, President, Managing Director, and six Non-Executive Directors (NEDs). The Board is responsible for advancing ODI’s mission, devising the company’s strategy, advocacy and fundraising for the organisation, hiring the executive, approving the annual budget, signing off the financial statements, making significant investment decisions, and setting the limits and delegated authorities for expenditure.

There are two sub-committees to support the Board: a remuneration, nomination and governance committee and an audit committee. These are made up of NEDs who meet regularly during the year and make recommendations to the Board.

A Senior Management Team – consisting of the Managing Director, the Director of Learning and Business Development and the Director of Communication and Marketing – is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Open Data Institute.